Nail your Project Management Interview for Techs


The PM interview can be daunting, but we’ll give you the tips and be more confident, landing that job!

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So, are you planning to go in for an interview? Do you have an interview lined up, or getting to ready to start applying?

Some people do very well in interviews, others do ok, and others really struggle.

The Project Manager interview can be daunting, but we’ll be covering a lot of of items to help be more confident and land that job!

We’ve broken down this course into different section specialising in general good interview tips, along with more specific sections around the Tech role.

What we’ll cover in this course –

  • a breakdown of what an IT Project Manager does
  • what you should know about the role before going in
  • what you should know about the company
  • preparing for any questions you may get
  • being confident in the answers you give your interview panel
  • what you should be asking the interview panel
  • the tough stuff – salaries, titles, work arrangements
  • how to finish up well in your current job when leaving

Course contents

More than 2 hours of instructor led video content along with handouts to aid learning.

This course will be easy to follow.

In preparing for this course it’s a good idea to get your resume ready and read the position description for the role well.

Course Outline

  • What does a PM do?
  • PD and CV
  • Research The Company
  • Staff and Customer Reviews
  • What About LinkedIn
  • What Can You Bring To The Role
  • Questions You May Get – Intro
  • STAR Method
  • Technical Questions
  • Behavioural Questions
  • Questions on the role
  • Questions – About the Company
  • Is the Job a Good Fit
  • What to Bring & Meeting the Panel
  • Come Prepared
  • How Many Rounds?
  • In Person or Over Video?
  • Ending Strongly
  • Follow Up
  • How Did You Go
  • Negotiate on the Role Specifics
  • Know Your Worth
  • Resigning – Manager and HR Communications
  • Resigning – Leave on Good Terms
  • Resigning – Handover
  • Resigning – References