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Hi, I’m Emilio,

I’m a Techie, YouTuber and Educator.

After tinkering with my first PC when I was young, technology became an obsession and has been a passion of mine every since! I’ve worked across a wide range of company types and sizes within technical, advisory and leadership roles. 

What I’m Doing Now –

– I’ve worked in the tech industry for over 20 years, currently based in Melbourne, Australia. Professional Profile – LinkedIn

– I’m a YouTuber releasing videos every week on all things tech. YouTube Channel

– I’m also a Technology Trainer & Educator and have several classes, both on Udemy and Skillshare.

emilio aguero logo

Some of my youtube vids...

Training Courses

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IT Support/HelpDesk Fundamentals – Essential Tech To Know!

In today's technology-driven world, proficiency in IT support and HelpDesk operations is not just a valuable skill – it's essential. Whether you're starting your career or looking to enhance your existing skills, this course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and expertise needed to excel in the field.

Expert Helpdesk & Service Desk Manager: Be a Great Leader

This training course is designed for IT professionals aspiring to lead and excel in the dynamic environment of helpdesk and service desk management. As a Helpdesk or Service Desk Manager, you'll face unique challenges in providing top-notch support, managing a team effectively, and ensuring customer satisfaction. This course empowers you with the skills and strategies to not only meet these challenges head-on but to thrive as a leader in the field. From honing technical expertise to mastering leadership and team management, this course covers the critical aspects necessary for success in a service-oriented IT environment.

Be a Great IT Operations Manager: Strategies and Techniques

Welcome to this IT Ops Manager training course designed to empower professionals in mastering efficient and resilient IT operations. We will explore foundational IT infrastructure principles, strategic alignment with business goals, operational efficiency, incident response, cybersecurity, and emerging technologies. You'll gain a deeper understanding of IT operations management.

Learning macOS Sonoma – Use your Mac like a Pro!!

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your Mac and become a macOS Sonoma expert? Look no further! In this comprehensive course, you'll embark on a journey from Mac novice to proficient user. Whether you're new to macOS or looking to enhance your skills, this course is your gateway to Mac mastery.

Backup and Disaster Recovery Administrator. Become an EXPERT!

The course is designed to provide you with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills necessary to effectively implement backup strategies and establish robust disaster recovery plans. This course offers a deep dive into the essential concepts, methodologies, and best practices that organisations can employ to safeguard their critical data, minimize downtime, and ensure business continuity in the face of unexpected events.

Job Interviewing Skills for Technology Professionals

In this course, we will equip you with the essential interview skills needed to excel in IT job interviews. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting your career in the tech industry, this course will provide you with the knowledge, strategies, and confidence to navigate the interview process successfully.